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Stress of medicine

Posted by Rui On 3/12/2010 12:34:00 AM
So . . . I'm a M2/M3 student. That means I'm in limbo between by my 2nd and 3rd years. To all you med folks out there, this spells a six letter word that haunts all medical students alike: BOARDS. As I go through the various websites desperately looking for schedules and advice, I manage to scramble together a semi made up plan, spend countless $$$ buying review books, and set myself mentally to begin my 6 weeks of hell.

Now, as I'm nearing the completion of my first week, I've realized the utter insanity of medicine. As you're in a library nearing the 12th hour of studying, only to sleep and wake up and repeat, your sanity level is nearing the brink of collapse. You go on Facebook, AIM, gchat, MSN, Twitter, news - anything for a distraction. Is all this really worth it?

Yes, we're studying because we're passionate about medicine. I'm passionate, I LOVE MEDICINE. This is why i chose this field. But all this stress, which according to pathology texts, releases countless kinds of cytokines that wreak havoc on our young bodies, can it be healthy? Why can't medicine be more laid back, humanized, and not some field people see as full of jargon and money-seeking doctors and insurance companies? Reforms are needed in health care, yes, but, perhaps people should start with reforming the medical education. So that future generations won't have to "waste" their 20s, 30s, and 40s in a myriad of information; memorizing merely to pass, memorizing merely to match.

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